shtk_unittest_failFails the test case

shtk_import unittest

shtk_unittest_fail arg1 .. argN

The shtk_unittest_fail function marks the currently running test case as failed and aborts execution. The message given in the arguments arg1 through argN is printed along the failure.

If shtk_unittest_fail is used within a test case of a test fixture, the teardown method of the fixture will be executed so that any necessary clean up operations can be performed.

shtk_unittest_fail should be used to fail the test case when an erroneous condition is detected and such condition prevents the rest of the test case's code from running correctly. In general, this means that shtk_unittest_fail is appropriate to abort a test case when any setup operations not directly exercising the scenario under test cause an error.

shtk(3), shtk_unittest(3)

shtk_unittest_fail first appeared in shtk 1.6.

November 8, 2014 Debian