SHTK_HW_CPUS(3) Library Functions Manual SHTK_HW_CPUS(3)

shtk_hw_ncpusQueries the number of CPUs (threads) in the machine

shtk_import hw


The shtk_hw_ncpus function queries the number of CPU threads in the machine and prints the total number to stdout.

If the query fails, or if the function does not know how to get the number from the current operating system, prints 1.

shtk_hw_ncpus returns 0.

make -j"$(shtk_hw_ncpus)" all

If set to a number greater than zero, overrides the return value of shtk_hw_ncpus. Generally useful for testing purposes, but can also be useful to inject greater numbers of parallelism in applications that do not expose a mechanism to tune such number.

shtk(3), shtk_hw(3)

shtk_hw_ncpus first appeared in shtk 1.7.

February 6, 2017 Debian