SHTK_CLI_DEBUG(3) Library Functions Manual SHTK_CLI_DEBUG(3)

shtk_cli_debugPrints a debug message

shtk_import cli

shtk_cli_debug message1 [.. messageN]

The shtk_cli_debug function prints the given debug message to stderr. The message can be provided as one or more arguments as depicted by message1 to messageN; all arguments are concatenated together into a single line.

The printed message has the following form, where ‘progname’ is determined by shtk_cli_progname(3):

progname: D: message1 .. messageN

Debug-level messages are disabled by default and can be enabled with the shtk_cli_set_log_level(3) function. Therefore, shtk_cli_debug should be used to report information that is generally useful to debug a problem and not appropriate for regular usage.

shtk(3), shtk_cli(3)

shtk_cli_debug first appeared in shtk 1.7.

February 3, 2016 Debian